Imagine you can move close to the Uffizi gallery artworks, without queue, crowd, anytime you want. Imagine being able to explore them in every single detail until you seize the artist’s brushstrokes and hidden details. This is possible with Uffizi Touch®, today also for Apple TV, in your living room.
You can have dinner feeling Zephyr’s breath, or enjoying Venus’ beauty, in Botticelli’s The birth of Venus, or you can feel the clang in Battle of San Romano by Paolo Uccello, you can admire the elegance of clothes in portrait of Eleonora of Toledo with her son Giovanni by Agnolo Bronzino, or you can contemplate the landscape on the background of Annunciation of Leonardo da Vinci.
You can easily build a sequence of your favorite works of art, grouping them with the soundtrack you like. Five works of art at the highest resolution and other free contents, over 1000 available works in app purchase (part of revenues goes to Uffizi Gallery).

You can have dinner feeling Zephyr’s breath, or enjoying Venus’ beauty, in Botticelli’s The birth of Venus, or you can feel the clang in Battle of San Romano by Paolo Uccello, you can admire the elegance of clothes in portrait of Eleonora of Toledo with her son Giovanni by Agnolo Bronzino, or you can contemplate the landscape on the background of Annunciation of Leonardo da Vinci.
You can easily build a sequence of your favorite works of art, grouping them with the soundtrack you like. Five works of art at the highest resolution and other free contents, over 1000 available works in app purchase (part of revenues goes to Uffizi Gallery).