“RENAISSANCE experience – Florenz und die Uffizien”

For the first time in GermanyUffizi Gallery masterpieces will create a new experience with art due to the extraordinary high resolution digital images, projections and interactive applications, already tested in Milan, at Fabbrica del Vapore. In this edition these works of art are integrated with a section dedicated to Florence.

Visitors will have the opportunity to live the experience of entering in the one of the most famous city and museum of the world: Florence and the Uffizi.

“RENAISSANCE experience – Florenz und die Uffizien” will open next January 18th in the ex-industrial cathedral of Kunstkraftwerk of Leipzig, where 150 works of art of the great Renaissance masters of Uffizi Gallery will be projected on 8 m high walls, with animations and surrounded by music composed for the exhibition, creating a multimedia and immersive experience that let the visitor enjoy this art with a new and unique perspective.


Uffizi Touch® Cloud installations complete the immersive area with the interactive space with touchscreen at very high resolution, natural interaction installations, that engage the visitors, bringing in them the desire to explore any detail of the 1150 Uffizi Gallery works of art present in the installations, compare them, measure and use all the functionalities of Uffizi Touch® Cloud (see https://vimeo.com/188054233), based on the Centrica Platform.

We are really glad that this exhibition have received the Patronage of Florence and Leipzig cities.

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