Culture, creativity and innovation at “Le Murate”

14th and 15th March 2013
Innovation Park “Le Murate” – glass room
at Piazza della Madonna della Neve, Florence

On14th and 15th March we are waiting for you at “Le Murate“, where you can meet Centrica and the other companies of the Innovation Park.

Pop Up Hub. We will tell you about our first year in the Park, through workshops, demos and interactive presentations.

It will be an opportunity to learn about the most innovative technologies applied to Culture & Tourism, Luxury & Made in Italy.


In the same days “Le Murate” will also host the Eurocities Culture Forum; a network of the major European cities that meet in six thematic forums throughout Europe to share knowledge and exchange of ideas.

This year, culture, creativity and innovation gather in Florence: the working group will mainly focus on how cities are using innovative solutions in their activities and cultural policies.

Marco Cappellini will take part during the working group entitled “Creative industries – Focus on technology and innovation” to tell Centrica experience.


Pop Up Hub

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