Botticelli and Ghirlandaio interactive at Villa la Quiete

Centrica has achieved a hi-res digitization campaign and an interactive touchscreen application to valorize the artworks conserved in Villa la Quiete, a Medici Villa considered one of the most important buildings in the area of Florence, that today July 26th 2016 opens the first part of the new museum.

Until October 30th, outstanding artworks such as the Incoronazione della Vergine e santi by Botticelli and his studio, the Sposalizio mistico di Santa Caterina by Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio and a crucifix by Baccio da Montelupo, will be exposed in the canteen of the Villa.

The museum path is now interactive thanks to a bilingual application, based on Uffizi Touch® platform, that allows visitors to explore in detail the artworks and read descriptions and informative sheets that illustrate this extraordinary patrimony. Thanks to the application, the artworks are also virtually collocated in their original position in the churches of via della Scala in Florence and Montespertoli.

This temporary exhibition is part of a larger project that is aimed at the valorization of this patrimony of the Tuscan Region and managed by the University of Florence, and precedes the permanent opening of the museum in Sprong 2017, when the rooms of the Elettrice Palatina will be set up to host the entire collection of paintings conserved in the Villa.




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