Digital imaging

Advanced technologies and digital solutions
for the conservation of the artistic heritage

Digital imaging


High-Res photography documents artworks in fine detail and in a reliable manner: paintings, sculptures, archival documents, photographs and more.

Its usage in the artistic sector has several purposes:



For digitization projects, we provide very high resolution digital acquisition services (up to 550 ppi) for Museums, Collections and Cultural Institutions.

We develop and utilize specific technologies such as TruepXL®, a software that identifies the best resolution for digital image creation, initiating the digital acquisition from a physical object.

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Digital imaging

Immersive Photography

Immersive photography reproduces real places, making them navigable in all directions, via web or smartphone applications.

You will feel as if you are literally immersed in the reproduced scene, and you will be able to explore the landscape in an interactive way: both by moving from one photograph to another, as well as by having access to detailed information. 

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Digital imaging


We utilize a multidisciplinary approach in all our works, combining skills in the digital transformation sector, historical-artistic knowledge, and technical-scientific education for cultural heritage conservation.

This allows us to:

Create and manage digital archives
Associate resources and information with records
Analyze artistic techniques
Evaluate the object's state of conservation
Plan rehousing interventions

Digital imaging


A Fine-Art replica is the artwork’s 1:1 physical replica, and it can be done thanks to digitization.

Reproductions allow visitors to overcome the limits of the physical places where the original artworks are preserved.



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