Serafini Shop on line

Now on line the new corporate and e-commerce web site for Serafini Sport, designed and developed by Centrica. In the e-shop products of the collections are browsable in every detail, thanks to the upgrade of XLimage® software platform by Centrica.
“Dall’idea al prodotto”: Centrica at LiquidLab

During LiquidLab event, a 4-daydays meeting withworkshops and conferences in the “Dall’idea al prodotto” initiative, Marco Cappellini will tell about Centrica’s experience, describing Uffizi Touch®, its declination for other contexts (Genus Bononiae, Vedute storiche di Firenze with the Centro Storico Unesco office, Officina Profumo Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella) and the Italian potentiality to improve […]
Centrica’s digital technology for Officina Profumo – Farmaceutica SMN

The tradition and the innovation of Officina Profumo – Farmaceutica of Santa Maria Novella has met Centrica digital technologies for a new valorization of its products. To celebrate Officina Profumo 400 years of activity, Centrica has created a new touch screen application for the store in Via della Scala, Florence, and for the shop in […]
Eva Florence 2012. Where culture meets technology

Also this year Centrica will be among the protagonists of Eva Florence 2012. The key aim of this Event is to provide a forum for the users, suppliers and scientific research communities to meet and exchange experiences, ideas and plans. Participants will receive up to date news on new EC and international arts computing & […]
CUSTOM Project at LiquidLab

Parco Urbano dell’Innovazione Spazio Urbano Contemporaneo Piazza delle Murate, Florence, May 10, 2012 Centrica will be among the protagonists during the events in which will be introduce the CUSTOM project, aimed to the creation of a cloud platform for SaaS merchandising of technological services for promotion and management of cultural heritage and turistic services correlated. […]
Centrica on Victor Magazine by Hasselblad

Victor Magazine by Hasselblad, one of the most important quarterly magazines on photography, has dedicated the cover of May to Centrica. After logging in or registering, you can browse the pages about thehigh resolution scanning where Paolo De Rocco describes the techniques developed by Centrica to capture the most precious art works in the world. […]
Centrica at Urban Park of Innovation “Le Murate”

Centrica is one of seven winners of Florence City Council’s tender to settle in the Innovation Park “Le Murate”. A 1500-mq hi-tech park in the heart of St. Ambrogio area: it’s the new Urban Lab which will be officially opened on Thursday, March 15h, on the first floor of Murate’s former gaol. Seven ICT firms […]
XLimage® at DC-NET International Final Conference

Today in Rome the DC-NET International Final Conference takes place, organized by Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane. At the conference Cristina Acidini, Polo Museale Fiorentino Director’s, in her speech entitled “Seen near and almost inside: painting masterpieces and high definition”, will explain the […]
On line To Be G website

Now on line the new ” To Be ‘G’ ” website, designed and developed by Centrica. The photographic shooting campaign of the 2012 Spring/Summer collection has been entirely carried out by Centrica photo team.
Centrica for Carracci frescoes in Bologna

Starting January 28th two multimedia installations with 42″ touch screen are positioned inside Carracci rooms inside Palazzo Fava: any visitor can visualize in any detail the “Ciclo di Giasone” and “Ciclo di Enea” frescoes, using zoom, image panning, suggestions. Centrica has provided know-how and technologies to provide very high resolution digitisation, visualization and knowledge understanding […]