Centrica protagonist at EXPO 2020 Dubai

Last 10th October held the EXPO 2020 Dubai, after its postponement due to the pandemic. The theme of the event was Connecting Minds, Creating the Future which focused on Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability. Italy was one of the attendants together with 200 countries in a dedicated pavilion. Our CEO, Marco Cappellini, had the opportunity to […]
ArtCentrica wins the Third Call of IMPACT EdTech

We are happy to announce that Centrica won the Third Call of the European project IMPACT EdTech, led by European Schoolnet, ISDI Accelerator (ISDI) and FundingBox, together with 17 other Startups and SMEs and among 278 attendants and 35 countries. The initiative aims to promote cutting-edge solutions for Education Technology (EdTech), promoting inclusive education, personalized […]
VirtuItaly wins Train Digital Tourism Experience – FS Innova by Trenitalia

VirtuItaly is one of Trenitalia’s Train Digital Tourism Experience – FS Innova winners We are happy to announce that VirtuItaly, our spin-off startup, is one of the Train Digital Tourist Experience winners, the initiative promoted by Trenitalia SpA. Together with us, three startups were awarded, out of the 51 that had submitted a proposal. Yookye by Paolo Taricco, Qiibee by Francesco Pagano and Deduce Data Solutions by Diego Tuccillo. […]
GESAwards 2020: ArtCentrica won That’s Geography special track by National Geographic

ArtCentrica cloud application was awarded with That’s Geography special track by National Geographic, during the Global EdTech Startups Awards (GESAwards) final, last January 23rd. GESAwards are promoted by MindCET, a center for innovation and technological development in the educational sector.This prize is very important for Centrica, because of the large turnout in the competition from […]

Reimagine Education (https://www.reimagine-education.com/) is a global conference and competition, open to educational innovators from all around the world. The conference brings together edtech startups, academic faculty from top institutions, Chief Innovation Officers, university leadership, teachers, and other stakeholders in the future of higher education teaching and learning. Among the almost 1500 nominations presented in the thirteen categories for this […]
Global Startup Program 2020-2021

Italian Trade Agency (ICE) organized the second edition of the Global Startup Program, aiming to consolidate the economic-commercial development of 150 innovative Italian startups on foreign markets. VirtuItaly is among the first ten companies selected. For more information https://www.ice.it/it/settori/startup-innovazione/global-start-up-program
Postgraduate Master Course in “Economics and Management of Museum Assets and Cultural”

Postgraduate Master Course in “Economics and Management of Museum Assets and Cultural” Thursday 8 October 2020 the University of Florence invited Marco Cappellini, CEO and co-founder of Centrica and VirtuItaly, to contribute as a speaker to the Specialization course in “Economics and Management of Museums and Cultural Heritage”. His speech will be in “The technological enhancement of culture: […]
US – Italia Ed Innovation Festival

US – Italia Ed Innovation Festival US – Italia Ed Innovation Festival organized by Center for Educational Reform, lead with incredible energy, passion and vision by CER CEO Jeanne Allen has taken place in Ercolano, Italy, A great number of the US and Italian community in Education and Technology has gathered together physically and virtually in Ercolano to drive the conversation way beyond […]
Centrica-Virtuitaly at MindCET Demoday

MindCET Demoday on Tuesday July 28th at 17.30 Israel time VirtuItaly – Centrica have been selected together with other seven companies (from Israel, Mexico and South Africa) between 150 EdTech candidates for the 8th Acceleration Batch, started last May and that will end next October. We are focusing especially on ArtCentrica cloud service. Teachers and […]
Centrica to Kuwait EXPO 2020

Centrica is one of the Italian companies to have participated in the Kuwait-Italy EXPO 2020 held from February 6 to 8. The Expo is an opportunity both for investors ready to bet on attractive and promising brands and opportunities and for Italian companies in order to create solid and effective long-term business relationships. You can […]