“RENAISSANCE experience – Florenz und die Uffizien”

For the first time in Germany, Uffizi Gallery masterpieces will create a new experience with art due to the extraordinary high resolution digital images, projections and interactive applications, already tested in Milan, at Fabbrica del Vapore. In this edition these works of art are integrated with a section dedicated to Florence. Visitors will have the opportunity to live the experience […]
Centrica celebrates the Apple special event releasing “Uffizi Touch®” for Apple TV

Imagine you can move close to the Uffizi gallery artworks, without queue, crowd, anytime you want. Imagine being able to explore them in every single detail until you seize the artist’s brushstrokes and hidden details. This is possible with Uffizi Touch®, today also for Apple TV, in your living room. You can have dinner feeling […]
VirtuItaly best startup for promotion of Italy

VirtuItaly, startup spinoff of Centrica, won the award CNA Changes 2016, Toscana edition, promoted by the National Confederation of Craftsmanship and Small and Medium Business, dedicated to the new companies based in Italy that achieved to innovate products and processes through their activity, with the ambition to represent our country at its best. Thanks to […]
Centrica at Frankfurt Book Fair

Centrica will participate to the Frankfurt Book Fair, the the world’s largest trade fair for books, that will take place in Frankfurt from 19th to 23rd October 2016. With around 300.000 professional visitors and over 9.000 exhibitors, the Buchmesse is among the most important international meetings for culture and creativity. This year the event will […]
Cloud Forward Conference in Madrid

Centrica will participate to Cloud Forward Conference, international event dedicated to Cloud Computing, that will take place in Circle de Bellas Artes in Madrid from 18 to 20 October 2016. The conference, based on the platform and project HOLA Cloud, will be an opportunity to see and discuss new technology development in the area of […]
Botticelli and Ghirlandaio interactive at Villa la Quiete

Centrica has achieved a hi-res digitization campaign and an interactive touchscreen application to valorize the artworks conserved in Villa la Quiete, a Medici Villa considered one of the most important buildings in the area of Florence, that today July 26th 2016 opens the first part of the new museum. Until October 30th, outstanding artworks such as the […]
VirtuItaly on Radio 24

Marco Cappellini presented the digital exhibition Uffizi Virtual Experience and the activity of VirtuItaly to the microphones of Radio 24, one of the most important talk radios in Italy, interviewed by Enrico Pagliarini at SMAU Berlin 2016 on June 17th.
Centrica partner of Assorestauro

Since June 2016, centrica is partner of Assorestauro, Italian association for architecture, art and urban restoration. This choice, besides being a reason of visibility, is a proof of the favored relation with museums and the valorization campaigns of artistic and cultural heritage, as demonstrated by our portfolio.
Interactive applications for the new MUDI – Museum of the Innocents

Centrica has achieved a hi-res digitization campaign and a serie of interactive touchscreen applications to valorize the new Museum of the Innocents of Florence, opened to the public on June 24th 2016. After around four years of works, the Museum offers a renewed exhibition area, interactive technologies, new service for education and activities for its visitors and […]
SMAU Berlin 16-17 giugno

On June 16th in Berlin will take place SMAU Berlin, the two-days event dedicated to innovation and professional update in the ICT field. It will be an opportunity to meet stakeholders and network with other companies that act in the German digital ecosystem. Centrica and VirtuItaly will be at the event with a stand dedicated […]