Centrica launches new e-commerce for Serafini Sport

2013 September 20th, Arezzo Serafini opens the new e-commerce web site. New sneakers, new interface, new prices! And Centrica’s support for hosting, image visualization and web marketing. www.serafinishop.com
Centrica joins Beijing Design Week

Centrica joins the International Design Festival in Beijing, in the exhibition are “Italian Living Experience”. On 1st Octobere Paolo De Rocco, Centrica President, will hold a business presentation, focused on Centrica technologies and know-how for culture and design enhancement. http://beijingdesignweek.org
Centrica on tv (First Rai Television) (italian)

Centrica on tv (Rai 1): “Petrolio: Aperto per ferie”, 23/08/2013 A picture of Italian national economic system on summer 2013. Starting from Florence, a portrait of a two-speed country. www.rai.it From 9:26. Click here to watch the video

June 28th, Echo Fashion Building, District 751, Beijing ITALIAN LIVING EXPERIENCE, premiered on June 16th, during an exclusive preview, opens its doors to the public on June 28th, on the occasion of the inauguration of the Echo Fashion Building within the District 751 of Beijing. A project to promote cultural communication between […]
“The Great Artists” is available on the App Store

“The Great Artists”, the app dedicated to the works of some of the greatest masters of all times: Botticelli, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Caravaggio, Vermeer, Tiepolo, Van Gogh, Klimt, Picasso and Chagall is now available on the App Store. “The Great Artists” app for iPad has been produced by Centrica in partnership with Giunti Editore, […]
Centrica at video-conference for “Art and Science Digital Renaissance” project

Video-conference for “Art and Science Digital Renaissance” project June 17th, from 9:30 to 11:30 am University of Florence Incubator, Scientific District of Sesto Fiorentino On Monday, June 17th, from 9.30 to 11.30 pm, an important video-conference will take place at University of Florence Incubator (Scientific District of Sesto Fiorentino) to connect with the new […]
Italian Living Experience preview

Italian Living Experience preview: Italy’s creativity and excellence in Beijing. After the successful press conference of today, ITALIAN LIVING EXPERIENCE will be open for a preview reserved to selected opinion leaders on Sunday, June 16th, from 15 to 18 pm. This new exhibit, in the 751 District of Beijing, represents a hub for the promotion […]
Best Practices Award for Innovation

Centrica is a finalist of the Best Practices Award for Innovation with its project “An innovative system of digital communication: web, app, retail touch” cared for Officina Profumo – Farmaceutica of Santa Maria Novella. 126 projects will take part in the on line competition of the Best Practices Award for Innovation, active from May 30th to […]
ViDiTrust finalist at Start-Up of the Year Award

Friday May 31st, Rovereto (TN), Tecnological District of Rovereto “Start Up of the Year” award ceremony – 2013 Edition ViDiTrust, Centrica’s co-founded start-up, is a finalist at the “Start-Up of the Year Award.” The awards ceremony will be on Friday, May 31 st, at the Technological District of Rovereto. Giacomo Cancelli, ViDiTrust CEO, will […]
Centrica at Florence Design Week

Florence, International Design Festival May 24th, 2013 Edition 4.0 We are waiting for you on Friday, May 24, at Piazza della Madonna della Neve, 8, in Florence, for the event focused on digital innovation. Centrica’s digital technologies make interactive the culture of Florence through Uffizi Touch®, the ideal synergy between culture & innovation. In the […]