Marco Cappellini at: XV COTEC Europe Summit

Last May 4th, our CEO Marco Cappellini had the pleasure of attending the XV COTEC Europe Summit. The event has been organized by COTEC Portugal, Fundación Cotec para la Innovación and COTEC – Fondazione per l’Innovazione at the Theatro Circo in Braga. “Culture meets Innovation” has been the central theme of the summit; specifically, it discussed the relationship between the Creative and Cultural Industries and other business […]
ArtCentrica LIVE at Ca’ Foscari University

On 17 March we had the pleasure of being hosted by Ca ‘Foscari University for the 2021-2022 edition of Live Project, one of the projects from Master in Tourism Economics and Management, by CISET and the Department of Management. Live Projects aim to expose and involve students in a real situation, in which they experiment and learn through experience, always guided by a specific path and didactic […]
Centrica enters in Accelerate Italy

April has started full of news, which we can’t wait to share with you! From today, we begin the new acceleration path Accelerate Italy, presenting our application and startup ArtCentrica.Thanks to ArtCentrica, we are committed to innovating traditional teaching, promoting active learning in the study of History of Art, which helps students of today and […]
ArtCentrica protagonists at SXSW EDU 2022

From the 7th to the 10th of March we attended SXSW EDU EXPO new edition. The Austin TX international festival, which brings together the companies of the digital world committed to the development of innovative solutions to improve the world of learning and education. Every year the conference generate a strong following among entrepreneurs and web workers, helping to give more and more space to emerging digital technologies. It was a […]
ArtCentrica protagonists at Midterm Event of FuturED

As you know if you followed us on social media, on Thursday the 24th and Friday the 25th of February, our CEO Marco Cappellini, together with part of Centrica team – Jonela Llaci (Art Director) and Chiara Bimbi (Educational Designer) – had the pleasure of attending the Midterm Event of FuturED, the edutech accelerator of CDP Venture Capital SGR – National Innovation Fund, part of the CDP National Accelerators […]
Tübke ArtCentrica: our solution for the immersive exhibition Tübke Monumental (Leipzig)

On the occasion of the opening of the immersive exhibition TÜBKE MONUMENTAL, we participated in the press conference and the presentation Einladung zur Vernissage in Leipzig.Our team contributed to the TÜBKE MONUMENTAL project with the high-res digitization of Werner Tübke‘s work, The First Bourgeois Revolution in Germany, from Panorama Museum (Bad Frankenhausen). We created an image of 74 Gigapixel size, which was used in the immersive installation and in Tübke […]
Press Review: Marco Cappellini interviewed by Il Giornale dell’Arte

Our readers will be happy to know that, in the February issue of Il Giornale dell’Arte, they will find an interesting interview with our CEO Marco Cappellini, by Elena Correggia. Marco shared with Il Giornale dell’Arte the principles on which Centrica is based, emphasizing how the company has contributed positively to enhancing the world of Art with over twenty years […]
ArtCentrica Platform for National Geographic Society

Over the past few months we have been working on a project that, finally, we are happy and proud to share with you. With the National Geographic Society we have designed and developed The Greatest Wildlife Photographs – ArtCentrica NGS; a virtual and interactive platform which allows us to present, in a new way, photographs that made National Geographic famous in the world. The project has had a […]
ArtCentrica for Digital Mantegna

On October 9th, our CEO Marco Cappellini spoke in Digital Mantegna conference, from Gallerie delle Conchiglie in Contarini Villa (PD). The event presented the new project of the City of Piazzola sul Brenta funded by Cariparo Foundation, in which Centrica will be the actuators with its ArtCentrica Platform. TT Tecnosistemi is partner too. The initiative […]
Centrica protagonist at EXPO 2020 Dubai

Last 10th October held the EXPO 2020 Dubai, after its postponement due to the pandemic. The theme of the event was Connecting Minds, Creating the Future which focused on Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability. Italy was one of the attendants together with 200 countries in a dedicated pavilion. Our CEO, Marco Cappellini, had the opportunity to […]