UBILIA® meets the need of tourists, travelers and citizens to have the best experience, knowledge and opportunities related to what they have in their proximity when walking. Through UBILIA® app (iOS and Android), without the need of downloading tons of different apps with different user interfaces and interaction, users will take advantage of information and […]

Pontormo in Empoli meets research

Seminar about ART and ICT 13 december 2013 Auditorium Sesa, Via del Pino 1 – Empoli Speech by Marco Cappellini, Centrica CEO read the programme

Centrica and MiBACT at ABCD, Genoa Exhibition Center

Centrica attends the “Salone Italiano dell’Educazione, dell’Orientamento e del Lavoro – ABCD 2013”, held from 13 to 15 november at the trade fair & exhibition centre in Genoa. In the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism institutional stand, tools and devices for the dissemination of new technologies applied to Cultural Heritage and for increasing touristic activities. […]

Culture and territory: the best digital experience for citizens and tourists


29 November 2013, Parco dell’Innovazione “Le Murate” Piazza della Madonna della Neve, Firenze, glass hall Which technologies are available today for promoting and exploiting our artistic and cultural heritage? Some institutional and private partners, along with Centrica, will discuss about their successful experiences in the field of museum and digital archives knowledge organization, technologies for multi-channel […]

Florence Heritage Touch in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence.

Florence Heritage Touch installed in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence. Advices, suggestions and invitations to enjoy in the best way the visit of Florence, now by an interactive application which is complementary to the Florence Heritage web site.

Centrica joins “Agorà: Imprese creative per la città intelligente”

Centrica joins “Agorà: Imprese creative per la città intelligente” (Agorà: Creative companies for the smart city) 26-27 September 2013, Complesso didattico San Niccolò, Siena Thursday 26 September Centrica CEO Marco Cappellini joins the seminar “MUSEO E’ TERRITORIO, TERRITORIO E’ MUSEO: strategie di musealizzazione ICT nell’era dello storytelling” (Museum is Territory, Territory is Museum: strategies for […]

Centrica launches new e-commerce for Serafini Sport

2013 September 20th, Arezzo Serafini opens the new e-commerce web site. New sneakers, new interface, new prices! And Centrica’s support for hosting, image visualization and web marketing. www.serafinishop.com

Centrica joins Beijing Design Week

Centrica joins the International Design Festival in Beijing, in the exhibition are “Italian Living Experience”. On 1st Octobere Paolo De Rocco, Centrica President, will hold a business presentation, focused on Centrica technologies and know-how for culture and design enhancement. http://beijingdesignweek.org

Centrica on tv (First Rai Television) (italian)

Centrica on tv (Rai 1): “Petrolio: Aperto per ferie”, 23/08/2013 A picture of Italian national economic system on summer 2013. Starting from Florence, a portrait of a two-speed country. www.rai.it From 9:26. Click here to watch the video


June 28th, Echo Fashion Building, District 751, Beijing ITALIAN LIVING EXPERIENCE, premiered on June 16th, during an exclusive preview, opens its doors to the public on June 28th, on the occasion of the inauguration of the Echo Fashion Building within the District 751 of Beijing.       A project to promote cultural communication between […]

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